Saturday, November 16, 10am-2pm, Fellowship Hall
Come serve in this fun and meaningful mission opportunity for the whole family! Your family will work together to pack and pray over Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to be sent all around the world. Each child receiving a shoebox will also receiving the life-giving message of the gospel. All of the gifts to be packed will be collected and prepared ahead of time. All you need to bring to the party is a heart to serve and the gift of your time.
Mount Vernon Kids & Families, you are invited to donate items to be packed in our OCC Family Shoebox Packing Party.
We are collecting the following:
Please bring all donations to the Mount Vernon Kids lobby by Sunday, November 10. Questions? Please contact Michelle at
Mount Vernon Baptist Church
11220 Nuckols Rd.
Glen Allen,
United States