About the Event

High interest in the “Daniel” production encourages us to see if there is sufficient interest in a second trip.  Reservations are now being accepted without deposit.

Join us to witness one of the Bible’s most hope-filled stories as it comes to life at Sight and Sound’s new production of “DANIEL.”  From the fiery furnace to the infamous den of lions, this will be a spectacular theatrical experience you will not want to miss!  Dinner at Miller’s Smorgasbord is always a welcome treat!  On Wednesday, we journey to Chantilly, VA where we will have lunch and a guided tour of the National Air and Space Museum to witness the story of aviation and space exploration.  Cost: $315 per person double occupancy; $390 single occupancy.

All trip information – destination, date & price – is subject to change.
Travel Time Info Contact: Charles & Nancy Hudson: (804) 271-1421; nancycharles.hudson@gmail.com
