Health, Wellness, and Safety Information
Your child’s safety is very important to us. Mount Vernon Kids seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in our programs and activities.
Your child’s safety is very important to us. Mount Vernon Kids seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in our programs and activities.
A. Children should only attend if they are free of the following symptoms for 24 hours:
B. Children should not attend within 5 days of a positive COVID test. Children and volunteers are able to return on day 6 if symptoms have improved.
C. MVBC Staff and Volunteers cannot hold or administer medications with the exception of EpiPens, medications for allergic reactions, and inhalers. All other medications MUST be held and administered by parents/caregivers.
A. The Mount Vernon Kids area is a nut-free facility.
B. Parents will notify the church of any food allergies and/ or restrictions on visitor registration forms and enrollment forms. These allergies and restrictions will be indicated on each child’s printed nametag. Once enrolled, allergies will be included in the attendance folder, as well.
C. In our baby and toddler nurseries (Rooms 1 and 2), parents may provide a bottle to be offered to their child. Parents are asked to leave specific instructions for the bottle with the volunteers and be available to respond to a phone call or text if any questions arise.
D. Bottles will be warmed in provided bottle warmers or in warm water, never a microwave.
E. Beginning with our toddler class (Room 2), snack will be served between 10:00-10:30. Snack will consist of Goldfish or Cheerios only. Children may only bring outside snack with approval from Minister for Children & Families or Children’s Ministry Assistants.
F. If children will be offered any additional foods, a sign will be posted at the door alerting parents. Foods should always be nut-free. When possible, prior notice will be given through email for any additional foods that will be offered.
A. There will always be a minimum of two adults or one adult and one trained youth helper in each classroom.
B. All Children’s Ministry volunteers will complete the Mount Vernon Kids Volunteer Application and screening process to include references.
C. New Children’s Ministry volunteers must be regular attendees of the Church for at least six months unless previously known to Mount Vernon Children’s Ministry leadership.
D. Background checks are required for all volunteers 18 and older. These are done every three years.