Get to Know Josh

Josh serves as Senior Pastor of Mount Vernon and has been in local church ministry since 2002. He holds 4 earned degrees, including the Master of Divinity (MDiv) and the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Expository Preaching from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Master of Theology (ThM) from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is currently pursuing his PhD in Theological Studies. Josh has written several books including: Starting Strong, Pathway to Power, Believer’s Baptism, Don’t Drink Responsibly, and The Vanishing of the Gospel (coauthor). He was also honored with the Warren-Poe Award for Rural Church Ministry for demonstrating excellence in, or potential and promise for, effective pastoral ministry in a rural Southern Baptist Church” in 2010. Josh and his wife, Lydia, have three sons: Josiah, Caleb, and Levi.


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